GPA Calculator

GPA Calculator

Calculating your GPA during the semester can give you a general sense of your academic success.

This GPA calculator depends on information that you provide and is a tool meant for your personal use. This GPA calculator is not connected with the Registrar's office or with your records in any way and will not give you "official" information.

If you need assistance, feel free to contact Student Central at 715.833.6200.
  • Enter your current total credits and current cumulative GPA. If you don't know your credits or GPA, you may review your academic transcript in SIS. At the bottom of your transcript, please use overall earned hours to equal total credits and overall GPA to equal cumulative GPA.
  • Enter the class name, letter grade you anticipate earning (A, B, C, D or F), and the semester credits of each course. If you need to add more courses, click on the Add Class button.
  • When you have entered all of your courses, grades, and credits, then click the Calculate GPA button. Your current term GPA, and your projected cumulative GPA will display.
  • Grades of AU/AX/FP/P/I will not affect GPA.
Current Term